Pre-school outdoor playground children equipment wooden park big kids slide for sale

0 + Pieces sold in the past 30 days
OEM&ODM Material Advantage Warranty Period Attentions Remark
Acceptable Wood A.Automatic laser cutting and robot welding technology applied to st eel parts production procedure.

B. Anti-UV,Anti-static, Anti-skid and Anti-crack.

C. Security and Environmental friendly

D.pdated patented product by using new energy.The device implemented saves wind and solar power during daytime for night lighting use

2 years 1. Please check the screws and other catchers of equipment regularly.

2. Please use the equipment within the age ranged (3-12), children under 6 play with adult supervision.

3. Blunt objects and acid corrosive liquor are forbidden.1. Plastic parts 5 years

4. Metal components 3 years

Children need adult supervision.


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