Gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS)

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The 5231 gas chromatograph-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer is a product developed by Puyu Technology with independent intellectual property rights. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry interface and EI ion source design with no cold spots throughout the process ensure efficient and stable sample transmission and ionization efficiency. Equipped with a GC 2000 gas chromatograph, it adopts advanced electronic flow control system, microfluidic control technology, high-precision independent temperature control system and high-sensitivity detector, with a flexible and friendly user interface, high-speed sampling frequency and signal processing speed, to meet users’ requirements for instrument analysis capabilities, reliability, stability and advancement. It is suitable for applications in traditional Chinese medicine pesticide residues, food safety, environmental monitoring, etc.


Performance advantages

Ion source

The gas-gas interface and EI ion source with no cold spots throughout the process ensure efficient transmission and ionization of GC-MS/MS samples

Axial acceleration collision cell

Increase scanning speed

Improve collision efficiency

Eliminate crosstalk between ion pairs and reduce cross contamination

Series QQQ mass analyzer

Uses tandem quadrupole mass analyzer and hexapole collision cell design

Stable dual mass analyzer, which can carry out various mass analysis scans and is suitable for various mass spectrometry research work

Efficient collision cell, which can transmit ions to the maximum extent

Includes full scan, selected ion scan (SIM), single reaction monitoring (SRM), daughter ion scan, Various ion scanning modes including parent ion scanning, neutral loss scanning, and multiple reaction monitoring scanning (MRM)

Pure molybdenum quadrupole mass analyzer

Pure molybdenum quadrupole, better material stability, ensuring mass axis stability

Surface gold plating, inert treatment, eliminating organic deposition

Intelligent MRM

Intelligent MRM function provides users with the convenience of method editing and modification

It can analyze more target compounds in a single run, so as to use the instrument analysis time more efficiently and increase sample analysis throughput

Excellent sensitivity

Efficient EI ion source ionization efficiency and ion transmission efficiency

Innovative axial acceleration collision cell technology greatly improves collision efficiency

Innovative pulse counting detection technology, lossless detection of ion signals, and effective filtering of noise interference

Excellent stability

Innovative dual-channel RF power closed-loop adaptive adjustment technology to improve the stability of quadrupole RF power

Innovative anti-temperature and humidity alternation technology adapts to a wider range of temperature and humidity

The mass spectrometry control software and analysis software are simple to operate, and the one-key automatic tuning and mass calibration functions reduce the complexity of instrument control and the threshold for instrument use. Mass spectrometry analysis software and report templates can be customized according to different application fields and different users to meet the usage requirements of various application fields.

Application fields

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring and analysis of environmental pollutants

Food safety

Food additives, food residues, pollutants, illegal additives detection


Chinese herbal medicines, synthetic APIs, Chinese patent medicines, synthetic drug detection, etc.

Forensic toxicology

Illegal drugs, drug detection

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