5281 Gas Chromatography-Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometer (GC-QTOF)

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The 5281 GC-QTOF is a gas chromatograph-quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer that Spectrum Technology has developed and manufactured completely by itself after years of R&D investment. It uses independent and innovative mass spectrometry technology. The 5281 GC-QTOF has accurate full-spectrum mass spectrometry data, excellent sensitivity and high selectivity, ultra-high mass resolution and mass accuracy, outstanding acquisition rate and higher cost-effectiveness. The innovative product brings better performance.


Product performance

Innovative EI ion source and ion optical system

Innovative high-performance alloy ionization source to improve ionization efficiency and avoid interference

Newly added in-source ion beam focusing to effectively improve sample ionization efficiency

Excellent resolution

The product uses DCQ & Einzel lenses to effectively improve ion transmission efficiency and reduce ion spatial divergence, thereby improving instrument resolution

The newly designed vertical introduction reflective TOF greatly improves TOF resolution

Using ultra-high response MCP detector to meet the picosecond signal resolution time and achieve ultra-high resolution detection

Equipped with a high-bit high-speed acquisition card to achieve high dynamic range and high resolution time

Highly stable high-voltage pulse signal to ensure high resolution and high sensitivity

Excellent sensitivity

The newly designed Tri-Step Scan ion transmission technology effectively improves ion transmission efficiency

Innovative axial acceleration collision cell technology reduces ion residence time and mass discrimination effect, effectively reducing ion collision reaction loss

Ultra-large effective area MCP detection, equipped with detector focusing lens, effectively improves beam utilization efficiency

Field-free focusing electrode to achieve beam axial focusing and increase the number of ions per unit area of ​​the detector

Excellent stability

High-efficiency high-temperature desolvation ion source and ion interface increase system tolerance and extend maintenance cycle

Innovative dual-channel RF power closed-loop adaptive adjustment technology improves the stability of the mass axis

Innovative anti-temperature and humidity alternation technology improves the instrument’s adaptability to complex environments

Mass Expert mass spectrometry workstation

Mass Expert mass spectrometry control software and analysis software are easy to operate and have one-key automatic tuning and mass calibration functions

Intelligent high-resolution secondary spectral library matching function makes qualitative analysis simple and efficient;

Customizable report templates to meet the needs of users in different application fields

Application fields

Suitable for environmental science, environmental pollutant monitoring, petrochemicals, forensic toxicology, drug analysis, scientific research institutes, food safety, gardening, life sciences and other fields that require high instrument sensitivity and high-throughput non-targeted screening.

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